Old Beaconsfield Probus Club

Probus Club – Old Beaconsfield

A friendly club for retired professional and business folk. We are meeting in person again and all are now welcome.

We meet twice a month at 09 45 am for coffee and a talk in the Fitzwilliams Centre in Old Beaconsfield. Meetings are on the second and fourth Wednesdays in the month.

We also have outside events and lunches.

If you would like to attend a meeting as a guest or see our programme of talks do visit our website or just come along in person.

www.obprobus.weebly.com  where more details are available

 You will be assured of a friendly welcome.

Contact Ian Forbes Membership Secretary 01494 816438


Click on the name of YOUR District below to bring up the range of activities and services that are available to you in YOUR area. For county wide services please go to our Support section.
Aylesbury Vale District
Aylesbury Vale

Chiltern District
South Bucks
South Bucks
Wycombe District


Our latest news
Jan 13, 2024

In line with BOPAG's charitable status application, we are seeking individuals who are interested in becoming Trustees. To find out more please email